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Parking tickets | Calgary Parking

Parking tickets

Pay a ticket or learn to appeal

We encourage all drivers to respect and comply with parking regulations to ensure that transportation in the city runs smoothly and to help create a safe environment for everyone.

Although all notices of parking violations are usually referred to as tickets, you may see them referred to as tags or infraction notices.

Pay a ticket

Paying your parking tags, infraction notices (tickets related to City Bylaws) and tickets early can save you money when you pay within 30 days. Find out more about our early payment incentive.

Your parking tags, infraction notices and tickets can be paid in the following ways:

high park


Make sure you have:

  • Tag/infraction notice number or ticket number
  • The referenced licence plate number
  • Credit card/debit card

If your parking tag is unavailable for online payment or you are experiencing issues with online payments, please call 403-537-7000

high park


Bring the ticket to:

high park

By mail


  • Ticket
  • Certified cheque or money order made payable to "The City of Calgary"

Calgary Parking
400 39 Ave. S.E.
Calgary, AB T2G 5P8

A parking tag may vary depending on which municipal agency issued it. A parking tag may be issued by a municipal agency other than Calgary Parking (i.e. Calgary Police Services, Calgary Transit, Engineering Bylaw). Until such a tag is transferred to Calgary Parking, it will not be available for online payment. You can still take advantage of the early payment incentive for such parking tags by using an alternate method of payment (Impound Lot, City cashiers or by mail). Please attach a copy of the parking tag if you select an alternate payment method.

If you have received a yellow Violation Ticket with a ticket number starting with B and ending with L, payment can be made through the Provincial Court system or through Calgary Parking until 10 calendar days prior to the first appearance date listed. Check the information on the back of the ticket for further instructions.

Contact us

Early payment incentive

If you pay your ticket within 30 days, you will save up to 20% on the penalty amount. This means you can keep some extra money in your pocket while taking care of your ticket. For example:

Timeframe* You pay Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
First 10 days Lowest fine $40 $120 $200
Between 10 and 30 days Next highest fine $50 $150 $250
After 30 days Specified fine penalty $75 $215 $300

Please check the timeframe on your ticket and pay within 30 days to take advantage of the early payment incentive. 

* When mailing payment, the amount owing will be based on the postmark date applied by Canada Post.

Appeal your ticket

There are two ways to appeal a ticket: Calgary Parking Administrative Review & Traffic Court

If you believe your parking tag or infraction notice was issued in error, you can appeal it with Calgary Parking before a violation ticket is issued. After a violation ticket is issued, you can still appeal, but only through the Provincial Traffic Court. If you are appealing through the Provincial Traffic Court, don’t pay the fine yet—wait for the violation ticket and then request a court date. Remember: Traffic Court considers mitigating circumstances, while Calgary Parking is restricted to only cancelling tickets issued in error.

Learn about our appeal process

Unpaid tickets and fines

If you do not pay the fine amount, you will be issued a yellow “Violation Ticket” with a first appearance date. Failure to pay the ticket or contact the Provincial Traffic Court by the first appearance date can result in:

  • Conviction
  • Additional court fees and fines added to the full penalty amount by both the Provincial Traffic Court and Service Alberta
  • Being unable to obtain or renew a vehicles registration or driver's licence until all outstanding fines are paid
  • Suspension of your driver's licence
  • The vehicle being towed if there are multiple unpaid infraction notices/tags or tickets
  • Warrant issued for your arrest

Parking tickets do not take demerit points off your licence or impact your credit rating.


Once a Violation Ticket has been issued, you can request a fine amount adjustment, payment arrangement or appeal your ticket based on your individual circumstances.



Parking tickets may be issued for different reasons, in different situations and by different municipal agencies. Within city limits, you can receive tickets from:

  • Calgary Parking Safety & Compliance (e.g. cameras, ParkPlus system, etc.)
  • City of Calgary Bylaw Enforcement Officers (e.g. Engineering, Livery Transportation)
  • City of Calgary Peace Officers (e.g. Calgary Transit, CP Rail)
  • Calgary Police Services

To steer clear of parking tickets, learn about the parking signs and rules within The City of Calgary.

Report an illegally parked vehicle. Response times may vary. Reports can only be made over the phone.
